Takeaways from 2021
Another notable year is coming to a close and this may be a good time to reflect on events and achievements of 2021. People have suppported their local communities in great and valuable ways and I believe we have all done our part during these challenging times.
Towards the spring of this year, the Covid vaccine brought great relief for many people in Scandinavia and at the end of September we saw an end to restrictions, which we welcomed, albeit with some caution. Restrictions are now back in effect throughout Scandinavia and with the pandemic still very much present, we need to continue to act with care and consideration for the people around us.
The Scandinavian countries are usually thought of as a safe part of the world to relocate to and this has been true even during the pandemic. It’s been possible to recruit across borders and I think we have all learnt to navigate in the new normal.
We can conclude that 2021 is a year in which compliance within global mobility and business travel became a high priority. After the introduction of economic employer and posted workers directive in Europe, the spotlight is on and this is something everyone in the global mobility sector needs to consider and act on.
As projected, digital, and online services have developed further and have become both an increasingly important need, and a vital part of our service offering in 2021. Several organizations now utilize online services as a component in their overall sustainability strategy. We will continue to fine-tune this line of services to meet our clients’ needs.
Our new Service Platform, Movenet APro, has been up and running since the first quarter this year, together with the accompanying mobile application. It is an important step in bringing value to our clients and we are very proud of our collaboration with both Movenet and the Movenet software partner Equus.
In 2022, we will be able to offer new and enhanced services through the Service Platform, that we believe are going to make it even more user-friendly and value-adding to our clients.
Also on a positive note, I am pleased to announce a couple of recent changes in our organization.
Kaushik Thakrar is taking on the role of Director for Business Development and Linnea Ekhlasi transitions into the role of Director for Client Services. They have both been with us for many years and their experience will allow them to excel in these new positions supporting our organization to service our clients and client employees.
Finally, I want to take this opportunity to thank all our clients for a constructive and good collaboration
this year. We value your business and look forward to working with you in 2022.
I wish you all a very happy and healthy holiday season and a bright and hopeful new year. Still, we say, stay safe!
Happy Holidays!
Fredrik Bendroth
Group CEO
